Our employees are our most valued asset. We respect their diversity, and will continue to strengthen and reinforce a business culture that allows them to demonstrate autonomy, innovation, and adaptability.
Corporate HR Vision
The KWE corporate HR vision is to attract, retain, and develop the best employees, and be a company that employees are proud of. We are committed to increasing employee engagement, resulting in the sustainable growth of both individuals and the organization.
Corporate HR Mission
The KWE corporate HR mission is to ensure that every employee can enjoy a long and fulfilling career by creating a work environment where each individual is motivated to develop him or herself and contribute to the organization.
KWE Talent Management Platform
The KWE talent management platform is designed to enable the company to focus on the identification of highly capable human resources and their proper evaluation and development. The platform consists of 5 components: performance management, talent identification and succession planning, learning and development, total rewards, and talent acquisition.
The heart of the platform is the KWE leadership competencies. Leadership competencies are a combination of knowledge, skills and behaviors to run the business aligned with our corporate long term vision. The leadership competencies are used in succession planning as a tool to identify and develop talent, with the aim of getting the right person in the right job, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, or age. The KWE leadership competencies are representative of the shared concepts of KWE core values and KWE culture for every employee, not just a select few.
KWE Talent Management Platform

Eight Leadership Competencies