The Group clearly states that it will comply with and respect laws, regulations, and ethical standards in Corporate Philosophy, which defines the "basic philosophy", "values", and "purpose" behind its management and business activities. It is also clearly stated in KWE Group Corporate Guidelines and KWE Group Code of Conduct, which provide a foundation for the activities of officers and employees.
In addition, the KWE Group Compliance Basic Policy defines the Group's basic philosophy and approach regarding compliance and underpins our business conduct.
KWE Group Compliance Policy
KWE Group governs themselves with greater accountability and higher ethical standards. We conduct our corporate activities only with the greatest legitimacy, so as to garner trust and credibility.
- All Board Members, Officers, and employees sincerely and sensibly comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to internal regulations.
- In the course of making business decisions, conducting business transactions, and while managing daily operations, we are mindful of any and all applicable laws and regulations governing those activities, and we make compliance of those laws and regulations a priority.
- We take immediate and strict disciplinary action against any individual reported to be in violation of this policy. Once a potential violation has been reported, we implement necessary corrective and preventive measures.