We believe that improving the transparency and fairness of decision making is an important issue and we strive to enhance corporate governance to achieve it.
Our Perspective on Corporate Governance
Based on our corporate philosophy "Contribute to the development of a global community through logistics services - by creating new values, sustaining the environment, and collaborating with our clients, shareholders and employees," KWE Group considers its primary management goal to be to enhance its corporate value while maintaining mutually beneficial relations with its stakeholders. To that end, one of the key management challenges is to strengthen corporate governance and to boost the transparency and fairness of decision making.
Current Status of the Corporate Governance System
KWE's Board of Directors consists of six members, including two Outside Directors. The Board resolves on important matters related to management and makes decisions. We have adopted a managing officer system in order to further clarify the separation of the management and execution functions and speed up decision-making.
KWE's Corporate Management Meeting is composed of standing Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, managing officers, division managers and other relevant personnel. The Meeting meets twice monthly under the supervision of the Board of Directors.
The Audit & Supervisory Board consists of two Audit & Supervisory Board Members and meets once a month as a rule. In addition to determining basic policies regarding auditing and other matters, board members report to each other the findings of their daily auditing activities and exchange views. We have also established mechanisms that enable the Board Members to demand whatever reports they require from Directors, managing officers, or employees, and to investigate the status of business and assets at KWE Group companies at any time.
Corporate Governance System