CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) CARM (Customs Assessment Revenue Management) portal enrollment is mandatory for importers to Canada including non-residents.
CBSA CARM R1 effective May 1, 2021
If you have not already registered in CARM portal (Release 1) please follow the instructions on CBSA link below. Be sure to accept the delegation request from your customs broker (s) of record. It is the importer responsibility to view company SOA (Statement of Account) in CARM portal each month to verify your CBSA payments are to date for Duty, GST, SIMA and/or AMPS penalties.
CBSA CARM R2 effective October 1, 2023
CBSA R2 (Release 2) requires importers to pay cash or post an RPP (Release Prior to Payment) bond based on the highest SOA payable to CBSA over the last 12 months per company SBN (Single Business Number). The minimum amount for RPP bond is $25,000 and it is recommended your company purchase RPP bond from provider of your choice.
KWE is here to help your company with CBSA and CARM – contact us
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