Their Challenge
Canada is one of the world's largest growers of legumes, responsible for 35% of the world's supply. Seasonal harvests are often staggered to prevent terminal congestion that comes with moving large bulk shipments--as a result, agricultural goods rely on extensive logistics networks stretching from port to heartland, with clear communication across channels. When a Canadian producer inquired about shipping 7,800 metric tons of lentils to India over the course of two months, KWE was resolute in its response to close the distance.
Our Solution
A quick shipment analysis led our dedicated agricultural team to arrange a rail-to-port transit schedule from their facility in the Canadian prairies to our transloading facility before heading to port, optimized for quick terminal receipt. Reporting marks were recorded and monitored en route to our facility, where our operations teams quickly transloaded the contents from bulk hopper cars to more than 300 full container loads for export to India. Our regional partners in KWE India readied handling agents to promptly receive the containers, anticipating potential traffic congestion.
The Result
End-to-end strategy and reliable service ensured that our client's lentils arrived on time without incurring any additional cost, while seamless coordination with transportation providers, client representatives, and our international colleagues brought 300 full container loads to their destination at lead time.
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